GMM Pfaudler Group

The GMM Pfaudler Group  has become synonymous with chemical processing and corrosion resistance.
From the laboratory to the full-scale production plant, our Systems and Technologies are involved in all aspects of the entire project to optimize and improve the complete lifecycle of any processing equipment, typically utilized in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

Product range:

Solid drying

Examples of the results of the GMM Pfaudler Group’s advanced thinking can be found in all areas of chemical and pharmaceutical plants, as part of the corporate portfolio of Branded Product Lines – PFAUDLER, NORMAG, MAVAG, MIXION, INTERSEAL, EQUILLOY and EDLON – that cover all chemical-unit operations.
With an end-to-end solutions-oriented approach, a global footprint, and a perfectly integrated offering system we are able to meet complex industry demands worldwide.

GMM Pfaudler is driven by 1800+ individuals across 4 continents and 15 global manufacturing facilities around the world.
Thanks to GMM Pfaudler’s unrivalled level of expertise and commitment to quality, over 90% of the world’s Top 20 ICIS Chemical Companies put their trust in the company.
